comparing Bob and Ziggy Marley

Victor Perez
Mr. lewenstein 
Rm 203 
English 008

                               Comparing Bob and Ziggy Marley

 Bob Marley can be compared to multiple artists in 2017, but the one that I can compare to and still have the same result as in charisma and attitude is his son Ziggy Marley who pursued the music industry right after his father, Ziggy Marley and Bob Marley have so much in common which is not weird at all knowing that they’re related as father and son. 

  Ziggy Is now the Bob Marley of the 70s but in modern date, as 2017 Ziggy continued with his fathers legacy by singing Reggae songs that his father composed and singing his own songs that are also similar to Bob’s albums. Let me explain Bob Marley would sing about the struggles and poverty that would terrify his community and his family, he would sing about the terrible times of slavery and tried to make people fear of those times, making them realize that they went through some hard times. Ziggy still sings about hard times and also peace among us. 

  Many people have said that it is as if Bob Marley was reborn, Ziggy Marley shares the same voice and also the same characteristics that can be matched to his father. Ziggy has the same expectations of life like his father had  and the same thinking process as well.  There is also multiple contradictions of Ziggy’s use of Marijuana just like his father did in his career, you can compare a lot of small things and characteristics that lead you the reborn of Bob Marley.  

    Times have changed and different types of music genres are being created, but the only genre that will always stay the same is Reggae, because of its history and its roots, people love listening to this music because it remembers them if their roots and their past and of course the past cant be changed. 

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