

Victor Perez  English 008  Lewenstein  Cannabis      In my opinion marijuana should be legalized in all states in the United States because marijuana has become a big part of our society. Marijuana has helped a lot of people with their illnesses and other health problems. Marijuana is the main topic in todays news. Instead of a gateway drug as it is called by many other it is also a medicinal plant that helps millions of  people each day with their problems.      Marijuana is used as a medicinal plant by many people for example people use it to stop their seizures in less than 10 minutes this is proven by a laboratory in the university of Chico, this plant can stop and kill cancerous cells. But this topic has brought a lot of controversies  concerning the legalization of this drug in all states. This has become also a problem to people that use it as medical purposes because the states they live in is still consider as an illegal drug which makes people move from across the co

Sahaguns Attitude

Victor Perez English 008  Lewenstein  Papas sahagun Attitude    Papas Sahagun attitude affected everyone in the book in certain ways, for example papa sahagun didn’t want his daughters dating at an early age, util they were old enough to get married. This attitude of his affected mostly the girls because the girls wanted to start dating and be able to talk to boys but this was against the rules that papa sahagun had.     The boys on the other hand didn’t have as much rules as the rest of the girls had, they would have girlfriends and they didn’t have to get married if they wanted to have sexual intercourse. In one scene one of the brothers took his girlfriend to his room and had intercourse, while their sister Yolanda “Yoli” watched secretly. This became one of the main topics in the book because Yolanda would wonder why their brothers had more freedom then they did?, why did they have girlfriends?  but the girls couldn’t have boyfriends?.      This made the girls act re

political values of the U.S

Victor Perez Political Science  Professor / White 8:00 am-9:25 am    Political Values Clarifications. 1. I Strongly agree with the democrats because they support all immigrants and this is really important because the U.S is made up of immigrants which makes this country great. I believe that immigrants should have the same rights as normal citizens because they work hard for this country.  2. I strongly agree with the republican party on the Anti-abortion ideas they have, I personally believe that it is bad to have an abortion because your killing a person and of course my religion goes against it as well.  3. The democrats give benefits to students and I agree with that because I as a student need certain things to be able to attend school. This also can motivate someone to get an education and its worth it. 4. I agree  with the Democrats on the death penalty issues because they believe the death penalty should only be use on certain crimes like “Murder”.  5. I also

Norteno Band

Victor Perez   Mr.Lewenstein   English 008   9- 22- 17                             Norteño     I was a fresh men in high school and I need ed a job so that I c ould help my mom pay some bills, so I created a Nort eño band with six o f my friends. We started playing at salons in mexicali for quinseañeras and other type of parties , so one day we had an event and in the crowd was a guy who really liked how we perform and to our luck he owned a couple of bars In mexicali and he had a record studio in los angeles . And so the guy walked up to us and offered us a deal and  a contract . The  deal was that we would have to play in he’s bars for a whole year no matter what date it was and we would get to keep 50 % of the money made of the drinks in the that night, the deal seemed perfect at that moment because we were desperate to make money fast and this deal was going to change our lifes but little did we kno w that it would be in a bad way .   The probl
Victor Perez   my real name is Adriel Perez and my friends call me Pichon (Pigeon) I'm currently 18 years olds and I love music anytime of music actually. I also love sports such as soccer ,football, and cross country. I live in a town called Westmorland In California and I graduated from Brawley Union High School. I am currently attending Imperial Valley College (IVC). I have multiple hobbies such as singing in a mariachi and norteno band and writing my own songs. Im really good at history and criminal justice systems.

comparing Bob and Ziggy Marley

Victor Perez Mr. lewenstein  Rm 203  English 008                                Comparing Bob and Ziggy Marley  Bob Marley can be compared to multiple artists in 2017, but the one that I can compare to and still have the same result as in charisma and attitude is his son Ziggy Marley who pursued the music industry right after his father, Ziggy Marley and Bob Marley have so much in common which is not weird at all knowing that they’re related as father and son.    Ziggy Is now the Bob Marley of the 70s but in modern date, as 2017 Ziggy continued with his fathers legacy by singing Reggae songs that his father composed and singing his own songs that are also similar to Bob’s albums. Let me explain Bob Marley would sing about the struggles and poverty that would terrify his community and his family, he would sing about the terrible times of slavery and tried to make people fear of those times, making them realize that they went through some hard times. Ziggy still sings about